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  • Are my lab results confidential?
    Of course. We respect your privacy and maintain confidentiality for all of our clients. Unless you provide us with written permission to release your results to a third party, only you will receive your lab results.
  • Do I need an appointment?
    Walk-ins are welcome but appointments are recommended. To get in and out of the lab faster, we recommend making an appointment.
  • Will my medications affect my test?
    It depends on the type of test and the medication(s) you are taking. Please consult with your pharmacist or doctor prior to scheduling an appointment. You should never stop taking prescribed medication without consulting your doctor beforehand.
  • What happens if I can't pee for a DOT drug test?
    If the medical review officer (MRO) determines you are unable to produce a sufficient amount of urine for the test, the test may be cancelled. It would not be considered a refusal.
  • Which medications are DOT forbidden?
    DOT disqualifying medications include, but are not limited to: Amphetamines Narcotics or their derivatives Opium derivatives (including codeine) Marijuana (medical or recreational) Phencyclidine
  • How many panels are in a DOT drug test.
    A DOT drug test includes a 5-panel drug test regimen.
  • How do I prepare for my lab test?
    While many tests don't require preparation, it is important to follow your doctor's instructions for fasting or other preparation. Fasting includes not eating or drinking for a specified time period before the test to ensure the most accurate results.
  • How do I prepare for urinalysis?
    Drinking 1-2 extra cups of water or milk (if your diet allows) is recommended on the day of the test. Fasting or a change in diet is not required. Please tell your doctor about any medications or supplements you are taking.
  • What kind of specimen is collected for a toxicology test?
    Urine is the most common specimen type for toxicology tests, as drugs are cleared out of the bloodstream through the liver and kidneys, and eliminated through urine.
  • Does drinking a lot of water affect urinalysis?
    The amount of fluid taken in a short amount of time prior to providing the urine sample is the only thing that affects a dilute sample.
  • What can a DOT specimen be tested for?
    A DOT specimen can be tested for: Marijuana Cocaine Amphetamines Phencyclidine (PCP) Opiods
  • Can blood be used for DOT alcohol testing?
    No. Only saliva or breath for screening and breath for confirmation tests are permitted. Other types of tests, such as blood or urine, are not authorized.
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